Problem with Shared Scooter or Bike


Step 1.Determine if the bike or scooter is parked incorrectly

Dockless bikes and scooters are not allowed to be:

  • Blocking the sidewalk, curb ramp, wheelchair ramp or bus stop
  • Blocking a fire hydrant, call box or other emergency facility
  • Blocking a driveway or parking space
  • Parked in the street
  • Parked in a loading or freight zone
  • Parked in a public parking garage
  • Parked in a building or resident entryway

Step 2.Take photos, if possible. 

Once you fill out the form below, you will have an opportunity to upload photos of the placement of the bikes/scooters and their QR/ID numbers.  


Step 3.Report it. 

Be prepared to provide as many details as you can, including the exact location of the bike or scooter.  If you have a smart phone, please take a photo to submit your report. 


Step 4.We’ll respond to your request

We provide interim updates for each reported issue. You can see the status of your request and check out other recent issues online.



To report this problem over the phone please call (801)555-1212

What is an E-Scooter?

E-scooters are stand-up devices that are powered by a small electric motor, and are made available for short-term rental. They generally require a few manual kickstarts on the ground to build enough speed, and then a user can accelerate or brake by means of throttles located on the e-scooter’s handlebars. Users can steer with the handlebars and balance by standing on the e-scooter’s deck one foot in front of the other. E-scooters in Durham are “dockless,” meaning they do not have a fixed home location, and can be picked up and dropped off at any location that does not impede pedestrians, drivers, or bicyclists within the city’s service area.

Many companies began operating in cities in 2018 without a local city’s permission or an ordinance regulating these systems. The City of Durham Transportation Department proactively worked to ensure that companies would be allowed to operate within the city limits while meeting the City’s transportation needs and regulations. The Shared Active Transportation Ordinance spelled out these rules for those interested in operating e-scooters in Durham, and allows the City to regulate scooter providers.  The Transportation Department instituted a data-sharing agreement with interested companies, in which real-time data collected from rides will be used to improve the shared active transportation system.

Why E-Scooters?

  • E-scooters provide another transportation choice for residents within the city, especially for shorter personal trips. 
  • E-scooters help residents and visitors make first- and last-mile connections for transit trips, which improves transportation access for residents who do not have a car or who prefer not to drive. E-scooters are also popular compliments to other active modes of transportations, such as biking or walking.
  • E-scooters are an environment-friendly alternative to driving, with lower carbon footprints than cars. An average scooter is estimated to emit 3,500 grams of carbon daily, about 2% of the CO2 that a car would produce.
  • E-scooters have also been popular across the country, emerging in cities including Portland, San Francisco, Austin, Washington D.C., and Charlotte. An estimated 38.5 million e-scooter trips were taken in the United States in 2018.
  • The recent 2017-2018 bike share pilot shows that there is an appetite for shared active transportation in Augustus. Over 2,000 new users used a bike share bike each month. Over 61,000 trips were completed with riders accumulating over 50,000 miles during the pilot period.
  • Data about where residents are using e-scooters can help the City to improve its multi-modal transportation network.


SATS Program Timeline
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  • Bike Share Program - November 2017 - January 2019
  • Bike Share Survey - Fall 2018
  • First Shared Active Transportation Ordinance passed - October 15, 2018
  • Scooters arrive in Durham - June 2019
  • Scooter/SATS Program Survey - Fall 2019
  • Revised Shared Active Transportation Ordinance passed - February 3, 2020

Current Shared Active Transportation Program - June 13, 2019 - present

On February 3, 2020, the City of Durham approved an ordinance and fees for shared active transportation.  This new ordinance modified the previous Shared Active Transportation Systems (SATS) ordinance approved in October 2018. As part of the ordinance revision process, City staff reviewed feedback from over a thousand residents, from existing scooter permittees, and several stakeholder organizations, to develop the adopted revisions to the SATS Ordinance and program.

From the beginning of the program to date (December 1, 2021) there have been over 410,000 rides on scooters, travelling over 280,000 miles and logging almost 44,000 hours of ride time.