Apply for a Liquor License

Do you want to apply for a Liquor License? This is the service to attain that license.

NOTE: All types of Liquor Licenses are available through this service. (Retail, Agency Store, Direct Shipper, Wholesaler, Supplier, etc.)

Getting Licensed

You may also contact the Division of Liquor Licensing and Enforcement at (801) 555-3434 or by email at to request application materials or get additional information.

Step 1.For an On-Premise License (Bar, Restaurant, Hotel, etc.)

In order to complete your application for an On-Premise License, the municipality or in the case of an unorganized township, the county where your business will be located must approve your application. The license verification process requires approval by the local municipality or county. The municipality or county may hold a public hearing on whether to grant or deny your application.

If the municipality or county requires that your application have a public hearing, Augustus law, Title 334-A Section §653(1)(B) requires the applicant to pay the municipality or county for the cost to advertise its pending application. The notice must run in the local/weekly newspaper for 3 consecutive days prior to the hearing date by the municipality or the county to give notice to the public who may want to provide information or give input on your application.

If the location of your business is in an unorganized township in Augustus, you must pay the $10.00 application fee directly to the County. A receipt of this payment to the County must accompany your application to the Division. If the location of your business is in an organized municipality, the $10.00 application fee must accompany your application to the Division.

Step 2.For Retail or Off-Premise License

Retail and Off-Premise license applications do not require municipal or county approval. If the location of your business is in an unorganized township in Augustus, you must pay the $10.00 application fee directly to the County. A receipt of this payment to the County must accompany your application to the Division. If the location of your business is in an organized municipality, the $10.00 application fee must accompany your application to the Division.

Step 3.Collect your documents in Digital Format

The below documents are what will be needed for this process

  • Verification of local municipality approval in Image or PDF format
  • Receipt for local municipality fees in Image or PDF format.

NOTE: The application process will not allow you to complete without these digital forms.

Step 4.Make sure you have time to apply

This application will take about 20 minutes once you've gathered the required information identified below. You can save you application and resume later if you need more time

Step 5.Have payment ready

Be prepared to pay fees associated with your permit. 

Step 6.Await approval, finalization

Once your completed application is received with proper filing order together with the correct filing fee, the Division will process your application. The processing of liquor applications may include a background investigation on the applicant by the Division and will include an inspection of the proposed premises. An official with the Division will contact you to set up a date and time for an inspection of the premises.

The inspection will consist of:

  • Reviewing the proposed designated area for sale and/or consumption of liquor;
  • Reviewing all other required licenses for your business type
  • Checking for necessary and required equipment applicable to license being sought

If all requirements are met, the State Liquor Licensing Inspector will issue the applicant a temporary license allowing purchases and sales of liquors as applicable to the license.

Step 7.Apply online




How to become a Brewery

To become a brewery in Augustus, there are several steps that you must follow and documentation that you must obtain to be licensed as a brewery or a small brewery by this Bureau. To assist you in the licensing process, we are providing the following information to help you navigate the regulations in Augustus and at the Federal government level to become a manufacturer of beer.

Step 1.Get Brewer's Notice from the U.S. Dept. of Treasury

  • Visit the U.S. Dept. of Treasury's Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau website to get your paper form or use their online system.

Step 2.Obtain Occupancy or Victualer's License from Local Municipality

  • Collect copies of the approval documents in PDF or Image format.

NOTE: If you are installing 50 or more devices, these drawings must be signed and sealed

Step 3.Obtain Sales and Use Tax Certification

Step 4.Obtain Food Handling License from the Augustus Department of Agriculture

Step 5.Determine Type of Brewery

  • Small Brewery: not more than 30,000 barrels or 930,000 gallons of malt liquor (beer) per year. (Title 28-A, Section 1355-A, subsection 3, paragraph B) -
  • Small Brewery Fees: $50 for the Brewery plus $10 filing fee. Optional Fees: $75 to participate in farmers' markets and additional warehouse storage for $600
  • Brewery: more than 30,000 barrels or 930,000 gallons of malt liquor (beer) per year. (Title 28-A, Section 1355-A, subsection 3, paragraph A)
  • Brewery Fees: $1000 for the Brewery plus a $10 filing fee. Additional warehouse storage location fees are $600 per location.

Step 6.Required Documents

  • Copy of lease or proof of ownership for the property where the brewery will be located.
  • Copy of any required municipal licenses
  • Copy of Augustus Department of Agriculture food handling license
  • Copy of Sales and Use Tax Certificate from AugustusRevenue Service

Step 7.Apply online



How to open an Agency Liquor Store

How to Become an Agency Liquor Store in Augustus

The licensing process for agency liquor stores is different from licensing to sell beer and/or wine for off premises consumption.

Based on a population formula found in Title 28-A, section 453, every municipality that has voted to allow the sale of spirits for off premises consumption, the bureau may issue at least one (1) and up to eleven (11) licenses. The population formula is as follows:

  • Eleven (11) agency liquor store licenses in a municipality with a population over 60,000

  • Ten (10) agency liquor store licenses in a municipality with a population over 45,000 but less than


  • Nine (9) agency liquor stores in a municipality with a population over 30,000 but less than 45,001

  • Eight (8) agency liquor stores in a municipality with a population over 20,000 but less than 30,001

  • Seven (7) agency liquor stores in a municipality with a population of at least 15,000 but less than


  • Six (6) agency liquor stores in a municipality with a population of at least 10,000 but less than 15,001

  • Four (4) agency liquor stores in a municipality with a population of at least 5,000 but less than 10,001

  • Three (3) agency liquor stores in a municipality with a population of at least 2,000 but less than 5,001/

  • One (1) agency liquor store in a municipality where the population is less than 2,000

    The Bureau has the sole authority to determine which municipalities to open to seek applicants to fill available agency liquor store licensing slots. Generally, the Bureau announces the opening of municipalities twice annually in the January/February and July/August timeframes. In determining whether to open a municipality, the Bureau reviews at the following:

    • Does the municipality have a strategic opportunity to increase sales for the State’s spirits business?

    • Is the municipality’s population underserved relative to access to the sale of spirits?

    • Has any business shown interest in becoming licensed as an agency liquor store?

    • What is the mix of types of businesses of the existing agency liquor stores in the municipality and is

      the municipality missing a type of business needed to meet consumers’ needs in that municipality?

      The process after a municipality is opened for licensing consists of completing the application process by a specific deadline, getting the proposed location inspected by the Bureau’s licensing staff and conducting a public hearing to hear testimony and take evidence in support of the applications being considered.

      Once licensed, there are on-going requirements for agency liquor stores that include maintaining on-hand inventory of spirit products based on the population of the municipality. If the population is over 1,000, the inventory is at least $10,000 and 100 SKUs and if under 1,000, the inventory is at least $5,000 and 50 SKUs.

Apply online


Direct Shipper

Step 1.Direct Shipper - Note

  • If 

Step 2.Collect your documents

The below documents are what examples of required documents:

  • Document

NOTE: note, note, note

Step 3.Make sure you have time to apply

This application will take about 20 minutes once you've gathered the required information identified below. You can save you application and resume later if you need more time

Step 4.Have payment ready

Be prepared to pay fees associated with your permit. 

Step 5.Await approval, finalization

Once your plans have been approved, you will be required to complete several finalization steps, which may include "Adding/Updating Contractor" or paying any outstanding feeds that may be applicable.

Online Alcohol Seller & Server Certification